Tuesday, 3 June 2014


In my first blog I mentioned some important numbers and people who are very important to me.

There are 3 more people who I have to mention before I go any further because they mean the world to me.
My Wonderful Mother

My 2 Brothers, Steve on the right and Dave my Twin on the left  - Yes my twin, I know we have often been referred to as Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito!!
How it all started

Having a family holiday in Cala Bona, Majorca summer 2004. I was enjoying a walk along the sea front with my wife at the time, Kaye.

41 years old, young to me, but if your under 30 reading this, Old!! Lol

My right arm wasn’t swinging it was hanging by my side? I tried to correct it, like I was taught when marching in the army cadets. When your left leg goes forward so does your right arm, then your right leg, your left arm, how difficult can than that be?

I tried, it wouldn’t work! Why? I didn’t know but I can tell you how it felt. Try walking/marching but when your left leg goes forward move your left arm and the same with the right. Feels weird/wrong doesn’t it, well that’s how it felt.

I put it out of my mind, ignored it until after the holiday. I continued trying to ignore it for a few months but knew I had to go and see the Doctor. By now I also had a twitchy thumb on my right hand.

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