Tuesday, 17 June 2014

He said something Special - David

7 Days to DBS

Well we’ve reached a Landmark you could say, 1 week left!!

I’m coming up to date concentrating on what’s happening each day, how things are going and how I’m feeling, hopefully it won’t be too boring but I can’t make any promises!

I will skip back on occasions because there are things that come back to me and there are some important people and relevant things I have to mention.

Typical something just came to me that I want to mention. It was something my twin brother David said to me a few years ago now. I was having a particularly bad day with my tenant Parky (the one in my brain)!!

David looked at me and said “If I could take it from you Rob, I would have it without hesitation”

That was without question the nicest most caring thing anyone has ever said to me and something that I’ll never forget.

Okay back to now. I want to thank everyone (Because I didn’t think there would be anyone - Honest) who has read, liked and commented on the blog to date. It means a lot to me that friends and family are supporting me through this because without you I’m not sure I could do it. May get to see it

If you haven’t already, will you start sharing the blogs. This isn’t for me or my ego I’m hoping other people with Parkinson’s may see them and if only one person finds something that helps I’m happy.

Ooh Err listen to me, I sound like I’m on TV “Share the Parky Love!” ha ha


So it’s 4.30am June 17th and I’m wide awake. I desperately try to go back to sleep but there is too much on my mind so 5.15 I give up and get my stiff (Nooooo!) body onto the edge of the bed. Slip the jeans on, get the ZIP fly up (Buttons went years ago) and pull a T shirt on.

Then I do my foot shuffle to the bathroom and have my 1st and only normal coloured wee! I wouldn’t normally mention my toilet habits but it is relevant for people with Parky’s on certain medication. Anybody taking Stelavo (levodopa) will know what I mean because your pee is BRIGHT ORANGE! and my god does it stain!

What was the pharmaceutical company thinking when they made this Parky’s medication. NOT ABOUT US! THAT’S FOR SURE what’s the common complaint of Parky’s shaking and uncontrollable movements. Okay let’s make a medication that makes the pee bright orange and stains any material.

All I’m saying is if you’re thinking of getting married somewhere hot a WHITE SUIT is not an option!



So enough toilet talk. I get downstairs (as I said, earlier than usual) I’m normally down here for 7ish. I have to be honest I’m normally feeling sort of okay at this point and take my medication

1 x 100mg Stelavo (Levadopa) – 1 x  10mg Requip (Ropinirole)

2 x Paracetamol – 2 x Ibuprofen these depend on what sort of night I have in bed, I’ll explain this later


I make my cup of tea and sit down with my fag. The feeling good lasts for about 10 minutes then my right hand side starts to shut down.

My arm goes tight and numb, so does my leg and my face starts to lose control. This lasts for 30/40 minutes until the tablets kick in then I come back and can have my coffee and fag then!


It’s my morning ritual ha ha


My day was pretty standard taking my medication every 2 half hours


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